Various Letters
The History of the Pentrich Revolution - Various Letters
During and following 'The Revolution' various letters have been discovered, written by participants and families involved in the uprising:
Letter from William Turner (retyped)
To the Duke of York asking him to intervene.
Read the Re-Typed LetterLetters from Jeremiah Brandreth to his wife (retyped)
Written whilst he was in prison in Derby jail.
Read the Re-Typed LetterLife aboard the Retribution Hulk
by Manchester Turner in a letter to the Derby Mercury 11th December 1817.
Read the LetterLetters from Australia
to wife Rebecca from Josiah Godber. We have transcripts of 7 letters from his departure to Australia in December 1817 up to his death in 1823, plus a letter from William Kirkland, after Josiah's death, to Rebecca requesting she leave her house or pay rent of twelve pounds a year.
Read the 8 Letters by clicking a title below:
Letter from Joseph Turner
to wife Ellen from Port Macquarie 1838, we have copies of the original letter consisting of 3 pages, a cleaned up version of the pages and a re-type of the content.
Read the Re-Typed LetterSignatures from the time
Here are some signatures of people involved in the revolution.