About Us - Pentrich Revolution Group

About Us

The Pentrich and South Wingfield Revolution Group

The Pentrich and South Wingfield Revolution Group is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (Number 1166940).

There are seven Trustees who form an Executive Committee with other members interested in local history and preserving heritage for future generations including representatives from Derby University and Derbyshire County Council.

Group Strategy - PSWRG

The PSRG has agreed the following strategic aims:

To build an organisation to highlight the Pentrich Rising of June 1817 and to commemorate its bicentenary in June 2017.

To raise awareness of the Rising and elevate the event to its rightful position in local, regional, constitutional and national history of the 19th century.

To create an organisation which will develop and deliver an on-going legacy for future study, awareness and commemoration.

To build and consolidate partnerships and alliances with all interested parties, organisations and agencies.

To raise sufficient finance to ensure the sustainability of the organisation and the promotion of its activities both for the bi-centennial events and thereafter.

Brief Overview

The Pentrich Revolution, Derbyshire Rising and Pentrich Rising are all names that describe an event which took place between South Wingfield and Eastwood on the Derbyshire / Nottinghamshire border in 1817. It involved three to four hundred poorly armed men taking part in what they were led to believe was to be a 'general rise' across the North and Midlands to replace the Government.

As a partly government inspired provocation, with the State being well aware of the march, this national rising was quickly routed with subsequent staged trials being used as a deterrence to quell and prevent other possible sources of discontent in the country. Three of the leaders were subsequently hanged and beheaded with 14 marchers transported to Australia and 85 jailed.


A number of regional partnerships have been established.

  • We received a grant of £66,000 from the Heritage Lottery fund to support our Events, Exhibitions Education Resources and much more.
  • We have also been supported financially and in many other ways by Derbyshire County Council who have a representative on our committee.
  • Several local Town and Parish Councils have supported us principally by funding the Information Boards in their locality.
  • A representative from Derby University also attends our Committee meetings and 2nd Year students organised a Conference featuring aspects of The Pentrich Revolution.
  • We have been fortunate to receive encouragement and support from Dr. Richard Gaunt at Nottingham University particularly for the conference Pentrich to Peterloo. He is also the Curator for Rebellions during the refurbishment at Nottingham Castle.

Become a Friend of The Pentrich Revolution Group

There is an annual subscription of £5.00, please contact the Secretary, Valerie Herbert.

Contact the Secretary